About me

Hello, my name is Pascal. I’m currently working as a DevOps Engineer at Dr. Klein. As a DevOps Engineer, I have deep knowledge in distributed systems, network and system engineering and security. I’m currently studying Applied Computer Science since October 2021 at the Fernuniversität Hagen, while working full time.

I’m reading a lot about of DevOps, Site Reliability Engineering, distributed systems and automation. I am very curious so I’m always experimenting and trying out different projects and enjoy to automate things.

If I had to describe myself with a three words, I’d reply I am inquisitive, engaged and structured.

Skills Link to heading

  • Windows Server and Linux (RHEL, Debian/Ubuntu and FlatCar) systems engineering.
  • Docker (Building images, service administration etc.)
  • Kubernetes administration and usage.
  • Amazon Web Services knowledge for services like CloudTrail, CloudWatch, EC2, ECS, ElastiCache, ELB, Lambda, RDS and VPC of course.
  • Coding with Python 3, Golang, Powershell, Bash and some Java and C. Especially Python is the Swiss army knife of all programming languages.
  • Knowledge in common network protocols (DNS, HTTP(S), IPv4, IPv6, TCP, TLS, UDP) and network administration (firewalls, routing and load balancing).
  • Knowledge with continuous integration and continuous deployment (i. e. with Jenkins or Github Automation).
  • Configuration management with Ansible, Terraform and Powershell Desired State Configuration. I really enjoy running my Linux servers with Ansible. For cloud orchestration I prefer Terraform, because it is way faster and easier.
  • Monitoring systems and services with Icinga 2 or Prometheus and Victoriametrics.
  • Knowledge in webservers like Nginx or Caddy and common use cases like reverse proxying, health checks or TLS termination.
  • I’m also TÜV certified IT Architecture and Technology Professional.
  • Recently I finished my Bachelor’s degree and I am now B. Sc. in Business Informatics. Since October 2021 I’m stuying Applied Computer Science.
  • Knowledge in CNCF project like Argo, CoreDNS, Keda, Falco, Helm, Cert-Manager, Carvel ytt, ko, and Kubescape.

Projects Link to heading

  • I’m running a Raspberry Pi 4 at home which is completely managed with Ansible. Of course I can still login by SSH but I prefer using Ansible :-).
  • I created an own telegram bot with Python 3. I dockerized the bot later, as you can see in my Github repo.
  • For my university studies I created a simple dummy REST API to evaluate the scaling abilitys of different AWS technologys. I am going to write a blog post about this one.
  • The latest one is this blog of course, hosted by Github pages and created with Hugo.
  • As part of my Bachelor exam I created an entire DevOps automation platform in AWS to test and build cross plattform apps with Flutter. The entire infrastructure was created and maintained with Terraform. The configuration magic came from code files within a Github repo, so everything was easily changeable.
  • Running Kubernetes on AWS with kOps using only spot instances. Certificates are managed with Cert-Manager, manifests generated with ytt and GitOps is done by Argo.

Interests Link to heading

Now you already know quite a lot about my skills, but I also

  • Really enjoy riding my gravel bike around Brunswick.
  • Like to go on a hike with friends.
  • Enjoy playing chess online or with a friend
  • Play at Eintracht Braunschweig’s table football team or
  • Enjoy reading a book in my favourite chair with a cup of tea.

Got curious or do you have any questions? Feel free to contact me!

© 2019 - 2024 | Built with ♥️ by Pascal Grundmeier - DevOps engineering at scale.